
Advanced Winston Grammar Set

Original price was: $37.35.Current price is: $29.88.

SKU: SGQ975843 Category:


Learning proper grammar is an important skill for people of all ages. The Winston Grammar Program offers a unique approach to teaching grammar using color-coded cards and workbook exercises. These tools help students learn about nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, prepositional phrases, coordinating conjunctions, interjections, nouns of direct address, subjects, direct and indirect objects, and appositives in a fun and engaging way. Students can learn through moving, seeing, hearing, and speaking.

The teacher’s guide includes a list and picture of the cards used, concepts being discussed, directions for using the cards, a possible script, model lesson, important information, quiz options, suggested problems, and concepts students should make sure they know. Worksheet instructions and answers are also provided in the teacher’s guide. The student workbook features practice sentences for students to identify the parts of speech, as well as a pre-test and post-test. The color-coded cards help students understand the parts of speech and how to identify them within a sentence.

The Advanced-Level Winston Grammar Program is a continuation of the Basic Winston Grammar Program and is intended for students who have previously studied basic grammar concepts. The kit includes 55 worksheets, 4 quizzes, and a post-test. A pre-test is included for placement purposes.

This Advanced-Level Winston Grammar Program Kit Includes:

  • Student’s Workbook (non-reproducible pages)
  • Teacher’s Guide
  • Color-coded flashcards
  • All elements come in a Velcro-closure clear vinyl case


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