These printable “All about us” tally chart worksheets are a great way to bring your group of students together and create classroom discussion. You can write in the name of the student, use stickers or use a simple check mark to tally up the votes. Once these are finished, they make a great bulletin board display for visiting friends and teachers to learn more about the students in your class.
What is your favorite pizza topping? This worksheet gives your students the choice of cheese, pepperoni, veggie, or other.
What is your favorite weekend activity? Everyone loves the weekend! Your students can pick from sleeping in late, staying up late, visiting friends, going to the movies or playing games.
How many people live in your house? Your students can pick from 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6+.
Do you like to buy or pack your lunch? Which one do you think is more popular? Buying or packing?
What is your favorite holiday? This is a fun one! Most everyone loves the holidays, but it’s fun to see which holiday kids like the most.
What color is your backpack? Students can choose from red, blue, green, black or other.
What is your favorite pet? Kids love pets! They can choose from a dog, cat, fish, bird or other.
What is your favorite school subject? Students can choose from math, english, history, science or other.
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