
365 cuentos clasicos

Original price was: $12.49.Current price is: $9.99.

SKU: SGQ977056 Category:


Immerse your child in the magic of storytelling with 365 Cuentos Clsicos, a beautifully illustrated padded treasury featuring classic stories and rhymes. With one enchanting tale for each day of the year, this collection includes beloved characters like Caperucita Roja, Blancanieves, and Cenicienta. Each story is designed to ignite your childs imagination and foster a love for reading.

Perfect for ages 3 to 7, this hardcover book offers short, engaging tales that are easy to fit into your daily routine. Whether it’s for a quick bedtime read or a cozy afternoon storytime, 365 Cuentos Clsicos will quickly become a family favorite!


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