
Advanced U.S. History-Based Writing Lessons Student Book

Original price was: $35.00.Current price is: $28.00.

SKU: SGQ976234 Category:


Learn to write while exploring U.S. history! This student book is great for co-op or siblings taking the course. A teacher familiar with IEW’s Teaching Writing Structure and Style seminar and using the Teacher’s Manual (sold together with this student book) is recommended.

The course follows the units taught in TWSS and includes advanced essay models. Students will learn to write argumentative, personal narrative, descriptive, persuasive, research, and literary analysis essays.

This Student Book contains assignments, instructions, engaging source texts, blank outlines, checklists, sample compositions, and clever vocabulary cards. Suggested activities for Janice Campbell’s Excellence in Literature: American Literature are included (optional).

Access to a free download of the Student Resource Notebook, a necessary component of this course, and the Advanced US History-Based Writing Lessons Reproducible Checklists e-book (31 pages) are included in this book.

308 pages spiral-bound softcover plus cardstock vocabulary cards to cut-out; reproducible for in-family use. 3rd Edition.


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