This grammar learning program is designed for students to learn at their own pace, with activities that help them reinforce and systematically grow their knowledge. Each level takes part of the school year to complete. After completing the level, students can apply what they’ve learned to their writing and reading assignments in their language arts programs. Bi-weekly exercises help students continue to review what they’ve learned during the rest of the school year. Analytical Grammar Level 2: Mechanics provides guidelines for punctuation, capitalization, and usage rules. Topics include correct comma usage (items in a series, compound sentences, etc.), comma splits, direct quotations, possessives, pronoun-antecedent agreement, subject-verb agreement, identifying adjectives and adverbs, transitive and intransitive verbs, and more. The Student Worktext contains exercise worksheets, Playing with Words activities, assessments, and notes with examples and instruction. This program is recommended for students in grades 4-6 and comes in a softcover format.
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