
Animal Farm

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SKU: SGQ970373 Category:


Animal Farm is a very well-known story that has a deeper meaning behind it. It is an allegory, which means that it uses animals to represent different things in society. The story is set on a farm and follows a group of animals who decide to rebel against their human owner, who treats them poorly.

After successfully overthrowing the human, the animals establish their own government and try to create a fair and equal society. Unfortunately, power corrupts them, and the pigs, who are the smartest animals on the farm, become the leaders and rule with tyranny.

This story serves as a metaphor for the Russian Revolution, where the people fought against a ruling class but ended up with a new ruling class that was just as oppressive. It reflects the dangers of power and how easily it can corrupt even the noblest of intentions.

Animal Farm is an important book that reminds us to be wary of the consequences of our actions, especially when it comes to social and political decisions.


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