Do you remember the fable from India in which the blind men took turns investigating an elephant’s shape? One felt the tusk and thought an elephant was like a spear, while another felt the trunk and thought an elephant was like a snake. I was reminded of this fable when I asked employees to review Typing Instructor for Kids Gold. One saw the program as troublesome because of the occasional references to luck and the sporadic glimpses of skeletons. Plus, children are asked to consult a talking stone if they need additional typing instruction. However, the other reviewer saw it as an exciting, motivating method of teaching young children how to touch-type.
The interactive fiction typing game, Typing Instructor for Kids Gold, offers thirty-plus action-packed, multi-level game challenges; graduated drills and lesson plans; hundreds of activities, exercises, and tests; and bilingual learning in English and Spanish. Children will master the keyboard using proven typing techniques while journeying with Toby and Lafitte to five imaginative lands. There they will learn proper typing techniques and build keyboarding skills. Just choose a typing plan, set a words-per-minute goal (this can be adjusted at any time), and as your child explores Typer Island, he will learn to type along the way.
The engaging lessons and exercises teach children essential typing skills, including speed and accuracy. Do your children find your current typing program boring? Are you looking for a typing program with the right balance of education, entertainment, and motivation? Then consider the award-winning Typing Instructor for Kids Gold.
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