Bridging the transition from guided elementary writing to increasingly independent writing skills necessary for later grades, WriteShop Junior guides students in Grades 4-6 through each stage of the writing process while keeping writing fun and enjoyable! WriteShop E focuses on creative writing, including humor, dialogue, scene setting, stories from personal experience, responding to literature, and more.
Writing is a skill that needs to be taught, and WriteShop makes it easy for the homeschool parent to provide hands-on instruction. One lesson every three weeks (30 weeks), working three days per week, allows for focused instruction time in appropriate quantities and helps to reduce frustration and ensure mastery. Lesson plans for one lesson every two weeks are also included for families who would prefer only to take 20 weeks to finish the curriculum. Plans for teaching children at multiple levels and using different books are also provided, making life simpler for homeschoolers teaching multiple age ranges.
Each lesson is taught through a series of 8 activity sets, allowing students to become familiar and comfortable with the program format. Students will keep a reading log, complete pre-writing activities, practice journal writing, brainstorm, begin writing a first draft, edit & revise the first draft, work on a final draft, and finally receive an evaluation with optional extension activities.
Lessons have a specific skill focus, including lesson objectives, materials needed, advance prep, and detailed instructions for each stage. Lesson plans provide all you need, including step-by-step directions, fully scripted presentations where necessary, questions, instructions, examples of completed work, and reduced-size reproductions of the sold-separately WriteShop Junior Activity Pack E, which is required to use this program.
This program level is appropriate for Grades 4-6. The book is 272 pages, indexed, softcover, and spiral-bound.
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